Article Contributed by: Angel Yap Reynacido
Are you looking for a cheap and easy way to spruce and level up the décor of you home? Well, let me introduce you to indoor flowering houseplants. Well, you might already be familiar with be, but it won’t hurt to know them the second time around. Not only that indoor houseplants help purify the air inside our but they also serve as additional decorative pieces that add life and drama to our humble abode.
Don’t worry if you’re not an expert at decorating your home using indoor plants, we are here to walk you through the basics of finding the best indoor flowering plants for your living space. There are hundreds of store options online to choose from! The question isn’t about how big or small your space is, it’s about how you do it successfully– and by that we mean placing your favorite blooming houseplants in all the right spaces and corners.
But before you start your ‘indoor plans,’ you need to consider some factors. First off, take a good, careful look around your living space, and with your keen eye, take note of the areas that are in need of a decorative piece. Remember, too much decorations inside your home will give off a quite negative (and crowded) impression so be mindful! Next, select the plant that fits the look in your home and commit to one style and idea your interior needs. Most important of all, your facelift should serve you joy– which we are sure it would!
With that, take a look at our ‘garden’ of indoor flowering houseplants and see which plant best suits your style and aesthetic!
What are the Best Indoor Flowering Houseplants?
African violets
African violet (or Saintpaulia) is an ideal indoor plant for their beautiful flowers & foliage. If you want an effortless way to decorate your home, then African violets should make it to your list. These shrubs with small, violet (or pink) flowers will surely make any tabletop or corner ‘bloom’ with beauty.
To keep these stunning flowers alive and happy, make sure to place them in areas where they can get bright indirect light. Plant them in a well draining soil and avoid overwatering.
Peace Lilies

Peace Lily Plant (or Spathiphyllum) is great for beginners for it’s low maintenance care. It’s one of the top five most popular houseplants due to their beauty and elegance– and they can be found in almost every shop that sell houseplants! Peace lilies have narrow, glossy green leaves and white flowers that resembles calla lilies.
Did you know? Peace lily is commonly a symbol of peace and purity.
Lipstick Plants
Lipstick plants (or Aeschynanthus) have pointy, waxy leaves and gorgeous flowers that grows in red clusters. Though they aren’t really common grown indoors, they can also thrive inside of your home by receiving bright light.
Christmas Cactus
Zygocactus or more popularly known as Christmas cactus can spruce up any interior with its colorful flowers. This indoor flowering plant is perfect for houses or condos few or small windows as this succulent thrives without the need of natural sunlight. According to Bloomscape’s horticulturist Joyce mast, “Zygos are unique cacti that feature long segmented vines that will spill over the pot, and in the early winter, they produce beautiful red blooms at the end of their vines.”
They bloom best in the months of October and November but sometime stays in full bloom until the end of Christmas, hence the name Christmas cactus.
For those who are thinking that Geraniums can only only be grown outdoors, think again! They can thrive all year long as long as they can bask under direct sunlight for at least six hours per day or 14 hours for artificial light.
Geraniums comes in a variety of colors so you are sure that there’s a geranium shrub for your interior decorating needs!
Crown of Thorns

We bet few of you know that the crown of thorns is the succulent cousin of the poinsettia plant. Euphorbia milii will grow and “flower best in full sun, so place them in a south or west-facing window,” according to the Houseplant Guru Lisa Eldred Steinkopf. She also advises to plant these houseplants in dry to medium moist soil.
Cyclamens (Cyclamen Persicum ) are truly home interior décor rockstars due to their heart shaped leaves and blooms that come in a variety of colors like red, pink, lilac, or white. They are commonly grow indoors and are very popular during the winter season where they can still thrive with bright indirect light.
Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldian) is a kind of tropical plant and that means that it can totally grow indoors! Doll up your windows by placing this flowering plant where it can receive direct sun for a couple of hours. And since it’s a kind of succulent, kalanchoe won’t require much watering, but don’t forget to sprinkle some every week.

Who could miss out the blue, pink, purple or white flowers of hydrangeas? If you want your interior to pop out with color then be sure not to miss out this flowering houseplant with dark green leaves! To keep the bulbs blooming for a long period of time, make sure to keep the soil moist and that the plant is receiving direct sunlight
A South African native, clivias (Clivia miniata ) are such head-turners with their large flowers in the shape of a trumpet, ranging from the colors of pale orange to red. Keep clivias happy by placing them under bright indirect light, more preferably in windows (or other areas) facing south or west.
More than just decorative pieces
You don’t have to be a plant expert to keep these plants happy. According to Mast, “most indoor flowering plants are able to reside in various lighting situations in your home, even in the direct sunlight.” She also recommends removing any withered flowers or yellowing leaves to ensure that the plant’s ‘energy’ is focused in growing new clusters flowers. Mast also reminded that most indoor flowering houseplants prefer a somewhat moist soil and prevent accumulating water at the bottom of the pot or container as to avoid corrupting the plant’s root system.
Moreover, every houseplant has its own watering need, so it’s also vital to take note of that to prevent over watering– or not watering them at all! Even though these plants can do well and survive indoors, it’s also important to give them the amount of sunlight they need. Last, prune your plants and get rid of any withered leaves or flowered so that it won’t attract pests or bugs.
Plants don’t only brighten up your surroundings, it can also lift up your mood. Imagine after your stressful day, seeing your beautiful blooms flower makes you feel better because it has a calming effect on people. According to NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration) even the smallest plants in your home helps remove toxins commonly found indoors.
Just be a responsible plantito or plantita, and these wonderful plants will reward you with magnificent flowers that will make every nook and cranny of your home bloom with beauty and elegance.
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