Investing in real estate has many routes that may appear confusing to our Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), especially for the first-time investors. They may feel intimidated and discouraged to invest as they don’t have any idea of the bigger picture. This is where real estate agents come into the scene. OFWs who wishes to invest in real estate do not need to worry as there are various and great real estate professionals who are willing to walk them through the process with their expertise in the field.
However, though there are various real estate agents offering valuable service, not all of them came from the same mold. OFWs need to scrutinize their real estate agent as they will be entrusting all the negotiations and transactions in the agent’s hands here in the Philippines while they work abroad. Getting the right agent sounds like impossible to get but it’s just a matter of analysis of who’s qualified or not.
With that, we’ve compiled a list of traits of a great real estate agent to serve as a guide for our OFWs so that they’d pick on the right real estate agent for their investment journey! Or if you are a migrant Filipino worker eyeing for a successful real estate career here in the Philippines, then this also a great read for you!
What are the Qualities of a Good Real Estate Agent?

Efficient Communicator
Good communication is vital for a successful transaction, and with that, a good agent should have effective communication skills in order to land the best deals for you. He should regularly update you about the status of the property you are buying or selling.
For instance, if you are buying a property, he should be able to lay out all the best possible options for you. He’s attentive to your specific needs and provides answers and solutions to each and every of your query.
On the other hand, if you are selling real estate property, you are likely to get multiple offers from buyers in real estate market. With that, your agent your agent should be able to gauge every buyer and talk to their buyer’s agent in order to extract only the offers with the best listing price.
Provides a Comparative Analysis
The best real estate agents know the market of their client. Understanding the niche of your local real estate market will help your agent provide comparative prices and devise an effective marketing strategy, whether you are buying or selling your house. So, if your real estate agent states or is comparing housing prices based from hunch, sad to say but it’s time to look for another one.
Displays Honesty and Integrity
Your real estate agent should put aside his personal gains just so you won’t lose an ample amount of money. For instance, if your real estate agent knows that a deal isn’t going to be successful, he should tell you so ahead of time. Or, he should be able to tell you sincerely whether that home improvement you’re planning to is going to add value or not. Situations like these builds up the reputation of successful real estate agents.
Great Problem-Solver

It is inevitable to encounter problems and shortcomings in each and every transaction. Great agents are able to respond to such problems or issues while protecting the best interests of their client (in this case, you).
For instance, if the home inspection conducted on your property revealed some problems with the house you are trying to purchase, your real estate agent should be able to negotiate the price with the seller.
Has Excellent Negotiation Skills
Being a good communicator goes side by side with having excellent negotiation skills. In the real estate industry, the ones who are able to persuade the other party into agreeing to their terms wins the competition. Your real estate agent should posses such excellent negotiation skills to transform potential buyers into profit.
Keen Attention to Detail
You’d want to look for a real estate agent who has a keen sense of detail. He should be organized, regularly do follow-ups and has professional reputation. Do not simply brush away such details: remember, even the small details matter!
Engaging Personality
Aside from having an in depth knowledge about the field, your real estate agent should be a ‘people-person,’ has a great attitude, approachable and easy to communicate with things that you need to discuss. A great real estate agent understands you and your needs while at the same open to your suggestions and queries. Of course you’d want someone whom you can ask questions and concerns with easily, especially if this is your first time trudging through the real estate investment waters.
Adapts to the Latest Trends in Technology
The introduction of the internet has drastically changed our lives. And as we adapt to this digital age, so are the market trends in the real estate. Great real estate agents keeps up to date with the new technology and utilize these tools in modernization to be able to compete better in the real estate market.
For instance, instead of hosting the traditional open houses, he is now switching in conducting virtual tours. Using the power of internet and technology will really take you a long way in the real estate market.
OFW Property Investment: Landing the Best Deal
These are just some of the most important qualities of a great real estate agent. Whether you want to find the best realtor in town or you just want a successful career in being a real estate agent, taking notes of these qualities will help you discern whether you are still on the right track or you need to make some adjustments.
By knowing these traits and characteristics of a good real estate agent, you are certain that you’ve picked the right person to accompany you in your real estate investment journey! Not only you are securing the best real estate investments in your local market with your real estate agent but you are also helping him/her build a stronger portfolio and professional development! It’s a win-win situation for everyone indeed!
Looking for an affordable property? Contact us today
A lot of Filipinos dream of owning their first apartment or house and lot. With today’s booming real estate opportunities, there are so many options to choose from.
Here at Vistaland International, we have a roster of affordable property listings from several locations across the country. Whether you’re looking for a place to live in Manila, Cebu, Davao and etc, we’ve got you covered. So contact our real estate agents today!
Vistaland International was primarily created to bring OFW closer to their dream of finally acquiring a home in the Philippines. And with the rising cost of living in the country, OFWs and their families are looking for ways to earn extra cash flow to support their daily needs. Luckily, you can also join the global network of Vistaland International as a real estate professional and earn a commission!
Vistaland International Marketing, Inc. (VIMI) is the international marketing division of Vista Land. Aiming to provide OFWs and migrant Filipinos a home in the Philippines, VIMI has established long-lasting relationships with brokers and clients around the world.
Get started with your property investments! Contact us today and follow our social media accounts: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.