by: John Marvin Ramos
March 17, 2020; a day worth remembering as one uninvited guest came unexpected. The world stopped spinning due to the Covid-19 pandemic that put places into massive lockdown and brought changes to Filipino lives. It is true that the pandemic affects our fellow Kababayans abroad (OFWs) but it’s never a reason to put OFW investments into nothing.
Filipino Houses Today
Today in the Philippines, we are likely experiencing the exact same thing that happened a year ago. Metro Manila and surrounding provinces such as Bulacan, Rizal, Cavite, and Laguna are now under GCQ bubble due to a high increase in the number of positive cases ever recorded in a single day caused by COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, OFWs who have families living in the said areas are making sure they are more prepared than what actually happened 365 days ago.
Known for being “madiskarte”, Filipinos and OFWs sure know how to deal with uncertainties brought by sudden change. In addition, Philippine real estate plays a great role for many of us. Here are some guidelines that you may find helpful in today’s GCQ status in the Philippines.
4 Things You Can Do During Lockdown

1. Going Green
If there’s a great thing the pandemic lockdown have brought us, is that we’ve get to tap into our creative sides trying to fight the anxiety and boredom. It is during lockdown that we’ve discovered things that pique our interest and start venturing back into our passion that was once forgotten. And one of those is starting a gardens in our homes!
Unleashing your inner Plantito and Plantita by putting some decorative plants indoor will take away your stress from working all day. This applies not only limited to your house and lot unit but also in condominium units as it require minimal amount of space. Adding plants to your investment houses, as believed by many Filipinos, symbolize emotions, ideas, and actions. Succulent plants are common interests nowadays as they make great ornaments and are known for surviving dry conditions.
On the other hand, while the majority is busy picking the right color and size of a cactus for their table, others decided to add some greenery to any empty space possible with different variations such as Orchids, Snake Plants, Dracaena, or even Monstera in their bedrooms.
Fun fact: Survey says sleeping in house and lot with plants in their sleeping area allows an extra boost of fresh air and can lead someone into a better night’s sleep.
Do you have what it takes to be called “Pl-aunt, Pla-untie, or Hala-mom?” Then now is the time get some hands dirty!
READ: 4 Filipino Home Care Essentials

2. Interior renovation.
Been itching to do some home make-overs for a while now? Well, the lockdown may be the great time to give your house a new ‘updo.’
Get ready to take some notes as this gives you a leeway on how to make your small space a bigger working place. During the first lockdown, local Filipinos and OFWs’ properties somehow converted a few rooms in their home into working spaces as most of us are not allowed to go outside or work in the office. Some people have a natural eye for design, color combination, and aesthetics. And when I say some, I really mean some. For those who don’t have a broader knowledge about these things, you may want to consult a few friendly sites like Pinterest that gives you an inspiration on how a certain arrangement delivers great impact on your working space.
What difference will it make if you hang a wall art that describes you as a person? Or maybe, painting your walls white that will give an illusion of bigger space? You may also want to add big statement furniture pieces or some decorative bowls and baskets which will give life to your home’s surrounding. Bottom line is, this will bring out the artist in you. And you get to paint a new hue out of the world’s multitude of colors.
READ: Ways to Redecorate Your Home During the New Normal

3. Condominium Investments.
While others are hurdling themselves to strive and adopt in this global crisis, OFWs and other investors took it as a leverage and capitalize their assets to its maximum advantage. This is for the same reason that OFW investors are given a chance to acquire Philippine real estate properties with lower interest rates and big discounts.
According to Lamudi’s initial trend report, property investments showed strong performance and increase when areas are placed under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). The demand in real estate sky-rocketed as well considering OFW property seekers are after affordability.
Moreover, with public transportation suspended or on restricted operations, property seekers could have wanted a condo property close to their workplaces, particularly those classified as essential employees and square measure to avoid higher risk and exposure to Covid-19. If you have a plan on investing in real estate, we got you some receipts already.
In fact, there are excellent locations you can choose from provided by one of the most known and long-running developer in the Philippines- Vista Land. From affordable house and lot units down to condominium options strategically located in progressive places all over the country, Vista Land takes its pride by continuously improving its services and offerings that will surely benefit you and next generations through long-term investments.
READ: Things to Consider Before Buying a Condo

4. Drive back to kitchen floor
Ironically, it is safe to say that the prevailing pandemic is the recipe we all needed to be a great cook of our own. Missing your old coffee tambayan and spots? Start stirring up your day with Dalgona Coffee who not long enough got its title “quarantine coffee”. People from around the world and even celebrities have been uploading photos of it while adding their own little twist through the internet and undeniably made a buzz and garnered interest.
Now, what is the best way to treat yourself from a day of hard work? Did anyone say Sushi? Yes, you got it right! Our love for Japanese food runs through our blood. And since most restaurant doors are closed during the lockdown, people are starting to innovate just to satisfy their cravings. One thing that made it stand out from the usual sushi rolls is that this time, it’s baked! Both OFWs and local Filipinos can enjoy a spoonful of it without compromising their safety inside the comfort of their home.
READ: 10 Things OFWs Can Do to Appreciate Indoor Living

Being confined in the four corners of your home may lead to stress, anxiety, and boredom. However, we can ease the feeling on uneasiness through these fun lockdown activities. Little by little, day by day, we can start looking forward to a brighter news while trying to survive in the present times.
Final Takeaway
The pandemic brought a number of economic activities into a halt; leading everyone to somewhat change their perception on different aspects of life from investments and businesses to personal endeavors and career growth. Whether they take risk of investing into real estate for future, spend a little amount in house and lot renovations, or just scoop out a handful of baked Sushi, the prevailing pandemic introduces a different way that binds us together.
We can’t deny the fact that this crisis taught us things we’d say we learned way earlier than we should have. It taught us to be more creative, pay more attention to details, allowed us to look beyond what meets the eye, and to be a critical thinker in particular. There are plenty of us who are still finding their way to cope up with this pandemic and the government is still on the process of finding solution to aid this situation. But looking at the smaller pieces of the whole picture, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.
From household tips to OFW property investments, Vista Land International has everything you need!
Vista Land International provides you an opportunity to choose between home investments that offer a safe space for home quarantine. Ranging from economic, socialized, affordable homes down to luxury houses, you sure can breathe with ease if safety is your main priority especially to those who are working abroad, away from their families.
Also, Vista Land not only offers spacious rooms that fits right for your WFH (work from home) set up, or a peaceful workplace away from the hustle and bustle that interrupts your Zoom meetings but of course, the peace of mind that you are creating your own version of success at the comfort of your so called home. Despite the unquestioned fact that everyone’s vision of what constitutes success is completely different, one ought to pay one’s time establishing and finalizing one’s personal vision of it.
Are you an OFW looking for financial growth? Join our team of international real estate brokers and salespersons! Click here to join.
Vista Land International Marketing, Inc. (VIMI) is the international marketing division of Vista Land. Aiming to provide OFWs and migrant Filipinos a home in the Philippines, VIMI has established long-lasting relationships with brokers and clients around the world.
Get started with your property investments! Contact us today and follow our social media accounts: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn