Every homeowner has their own criteria of what they think the best property is suited for their needs– from the size of the property, the amenities, down to the location of the house itself. Sometimes, the best matches to these standards are located near school or an educational institution. This may be bad news for some, but for other property seekers, it hits right on the spot.
To help you discern whether you may want to live near a school, we’ve listed down the pros as well as the disadvantages of buying house near school.

Advantages of Living Near a School
Neighborhoods situated near university belts or college towns tend to have lower costs of living compared to other townships. That is because the properties are offered or rented out to students who don’t earn personal income yet. You may score a cheaper house located in nearby schools compared to other areas.
No more commute or drive to school
We all know how heavy traffics can be in the Philippines, especially in the Metro. And getting stuck in between long lines of vehicles as you drive your kids to school can be such a headache.
When your house is sitting in a subdivision with just a school nearby, the long hours of commute or drive to school dissipates immediately. Working parents can save money on gas or bus service. Added to that, they can easily supervise their kid as their child’s school is just a couple blocks away.
Less morning battles
Waking up early and getting the kids ready for school is an everyday battle faced by parents. However, if your house is just a walking distance away from your children’s school, you don’t have to worry about being late in the morning or getting stuck in the traffic on your way to the school. Enjoy that couple minutes of extra sleep and if ever your kids forgot something, they can easily go back home as their house is just a few minutes away.
Neighborhoods around schools are generally safe
Since you are living within school zones, you can expect the safety of the neighborhood. Most schools in the country have easily accessible police stations nearby. Also, police and local law enforcers actively patrols within the vicinity as to ensure the safety and security of the students. The local residents in the area may also occasionally keep an eye on your kids.
Your children can exercise their ‘street-smart’ capabilities
Living near a school also helps your child develop its street-smart skills and knowledge. They are able to pick up from their surroundings, especially in the public space. They’ll become more aware of the traffic rules, road signs, and how to be mindful of their belongings and stuff when they’re out in the streets.
Your children will have the energy to do other stuff after school hours
Long commutes can get your kids exhausted on top of a long, tiring school day, leaving them with little to no energy for other stuff at home. You may even spot your kid falling asleep on the sofa while taking his or her shoes off.
Purchasing a home near a school means less time for commuting– it’s even better if it’s within walking distance. They can also get home faster and earlier and will have the time and energy for after school work and recreation.
Increased property appreciation and high resale value
Landing a property in a good school district increases the appreciation value of your home, according to real estate experts. Let’s say you’ve decided to sell your house. A lot of home buyers will scramble for the ownership of your house just so they can live near a top notch school where they can enroll their children.
According to a survey, 20% of property seekers are willing to pay as much as 10% more than the asking price just so they can get their homes located near educational institutions and universities.
Potential access to key amenities
You don’t have to go that far to get some fun under the sun! If your kids are enrolled in the nearby school, you potentially have access to their amenities like basketball courts, football field, running tracks, and swimming pools. You may even use these facilities during the weekends.
The Cons of Buying House Near School
Excessive noise
If you are the type to reside in a quiet neighborhood, then living near a school may not be a good decision for you. When kids gather around, expect boisterous noises to follow. And noise levels may heighten during breaks and lunch time when they have the time to play and mingle. The noises will soon die down once classes are over but there are cases where you will have to put up with noise of after-school events that may extend long into the night.
Getting caught in between traffic
Granted, you have escaped the long hours of commute by walking your kids to school. You get in your car, put on your seatbelt and head off to work, just to find yourself caught up in between heavy traffic as other parents drop off their kids at school.
Traffic can occur at random times, and especially when the school hosts sport festivals or other events.
Children may go over or trespass your property
If you are living near a high school or university, chances are there will be cases of students loitering or trespassing over your property. Taking this into consideration, you may want to purchase a house within a healthy distance from the school where students can’t cut across your property but still near enough for your kids to walk to school.
School emergencies
If there’s a threat or emergency in the school, the surrounding areas are also affected– that also means your home. Even if it’s a false alarm pulled by pranksters in the school, it will still take time to scour the whole school to clear out the case.
During calamities and disasters, schools are used as evacuation shelters and temporary dwellings by those who are affected. This in return causes heavy traffic, additional noise, and parking problems.
Looking for an affordable property? Contact us today
A lot of Filipinos dream of owning their first apartment or house and lot. With today’s booming real estate opportunities, there are so many options to choose from.
Here at Vista Land International, we have a roster of affordable property listings from several locations across the country. Whether you’re looking for a place to live in Manila, Cebu, Davao and etc, we’ve got you covered. So contact our real estate agents today!

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Vista Land International Marketing, Inc. (VIMI) is the international marketing division of Vista Land. Aiming to provide OFWs and migrant Filipinos a home in the Philippines, VIMI has established long-lasting relationships with brokers and clients around the world.
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