Owning a dog (or any kind of pet) is a privilege for an apartment or a condo owner to have as they make great companions whether you live alone or with other people such as your family and friends. They heighten your mental health and brighten up your atmosphere even more, especially during the pandemic because they are fun to be with. Plus you get to meet people who are dog lovers!
If your place is pet friendly and you’re a dog lover, then here are some of the best dogs for condo living as well as some of the best apartment dogs for you to consider according to the American Kennel Club to make your apartment or condo living more fun (and a reason to go to the dog park)!
What are the Best Dogs for Condo Living?

Whether you’re getting a Yorkshire Terrier, a Biewer Terrier, a Boston Terrier, a Toy Fox Terrier, a Manchester Terrier, a Silky Terrier, or an American Hairless Terrier, almost all terriers are great apartment dogs for apartment living. They’re small and mild puppies that are easy to love and with a happy – go – lucky vibe, making your apartment life great with its cute and companionable nature. Some terriers are terrific watch dogs and need long walks in order for them to socialize and to be trained while others just enjoy the comforts of indoors!
Pugs gain instant popularity as they’re often shown in apartment advertisements. Their cute little mug faces will gain you instant popularity in your social life with the neighbors and in theirs along with their gregarious personality, making it the perfect apartment dog. Although they aren’t physically fast as they have short legs, they are socially active while hanging out with other dogs at the dog park or at an event specially for dogs.
They may be large and one of the oldest purebred dogs all the way from Ancient Egypt, this great apartment dog has proved itself to be welcomed in all living fixtures and they can be great roomies because they don’t need a lot of exercise and they are calm, friendly, and quiet. These are mellow house dogs, so you might want to consider in getting one if you want a laid – back type of dog.
Bichon Frise

Often mistaken as a poodle for its puffy appearance, the Bichon Frise is the best dog for those who are allergic to fur as they don’t shed much. These puffy marshmallows are small and lightweight for you to carry if they get tired of socializing (or need to do a quick errand) and they are also smart for them to pick up things quickly!
The only thing for you to consider is their high maintenance grooming, so you need the patience to make them look cute (and handsome for boys). Other than that, they make good apartment dogs, even for a small apartment!
If you’re looking for an Asian version of the Bichon Frise, try having a Chinese Crested dog. It’s hairless and it only has hair at the tuft of their ears, making it easier for you to blend into the apartment life.
Basset Hound
This friendly small dog can be a great companion if you’re looking for a companion dog that is family friendly (especially with kids around). These can endure a lazy day as it can manage a long walk once a day. But you’ll have to consider when they drool and their heavy legs — a good thing to think about if you have stairs. But overall, these are your ultimate apartment dwellers if you want a laid back dog.
French Bulldog

French Bulldogs make the best apartment dogs if you really want a lazy dog in a small apartment complex. Whether you’re getting an English Bulldog or a Frenchie, these only need small spaces for them to rest and to move around and they are also quiet and low maintenance. Owners of bulldogs have to be consistent in training them because they’ll be bored and they have cat like tendencies, so you have to keep them active if you want them to be energetic and fun.
Shih Tzu
Shih Tzus are the best dogs for apartments because they are happy indoors as they have kept emperors and empresses company during the Ming Dynasty. Aside from its affectionate nature, they’re friendly dogs who will make your social life interesting — especially with kids around! They have short muzzles, so you don’t need to worry about the furniture and carpet chewables because they don’t mess them up so easily. And plus, they’re incredible in a small space, so you’ll have an outgoing and laid back fella into one!
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

While the name’s a mouthful for this pint sized cutie, don’t let its name, long hair, and high maintenance nature fool you as these dogs don’t need a lot of space for it to enjoy the place. They are low maintenance dogs who are loyal to their owners and they are a toy breed who are great show dogs. That way, you have a loyal companion to cherish and a show dog who can bag some medals for you!
Great Dane
Unlike other pets who are small, these gentle giants may not only give your visitors a pleasant surprise and they are calm because they won’t knock your stuff over. Great Danes may take up a lot of space like your couch, but you don’t need to complain when you leave dirty towels or dishes in the sink. Plus they’re low maintenance, meaning they don’t need that much grooming and exercise because they’re a large dog with short – hair.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi

This kind of dog can appear harmless, friendly, and outgoing, but they are wonderful watch dogs if you’re cautious of strangers. All you need to do is to give it lots of exercise, socialization, equal food intake, and some quiet training to prevent angry neighbors and sketchy strangers to get into your small apartment (especially for robbers and kidnappers).
This is also called a “velcro dog” because it tends to stick to its owner and they are bred to be loyal companions as they are happy to be with you. They are a hundred percent affectionate to strangers, kids, and other dogs as well, making it perfect for small apartments, so it’s better for you to have company over if you’re planning to have this kind of dog.

With their high energy, these dogs have great people skills for those who are extroverts, thus making it a great four legged friend. You need to be careful not to overtreat or undertrain them because these can make them think they’re the alpha, but with adequate grooming, daily walks, socialization, and care, these can be great companions and they rarely bark.
Our Four Legged Friends Are the Best Dog Breeds
Dogs are wonderful pets to keep, whether you’re getting some Toy Fox Terriers, an American Eskimo Dog, a Miniature Pinscher, a Shiba Inu, or any dog breed that you may think of (or the ones we’ve listed here for you). These loyal companions make great apartment dwellers (yes, even the smallest dog breeds) because they boost your social status around dog and pet lovers alike as well as your mental health and your overall condo and apartment living.
Nonetheless, a dog is a man’s best friend, and these four legged friends are your best deal! We can’t tell you which one is the best dog, but all dogs are the best! Just make sure they’re not in extreme temperatures for long periods of time so that they’ll live longer than you think!
So don’t wait around. Go get a dog to boost yourself and social status! You may never know that you may have a loyal companion for life.
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