When we heard of the word ‘succulent’, the image of a single, lonely plant filled with thorns sitting in the middle of a hot desert pops into our mind. Though partly correct, succulents aren’t just limited to our prickly friends. So what really are succulent plants?
Succulents are plants that have thick stems or leaves that store water, making them drought-resistant. Succulents thrive in deserts and places with arid seasons. Some species are cultivated as ornamentals and houseplants.
Contrary to popular belief, succulents don’t only survive in the harsh conditions of the sandy kingdom. In fact, you can bring them inside the comfort of your houses and condominiums, all ready to receive your deepest care and attention.
Indoor succulent plants are very low maintenance, but choosing the right plant depending on your home condition should be taken into consideration.
What are the best indoor succulent plants for your condo?
Low-light Succulents
If your house or condominium have few windows and minimal amount of sunlight streams through those curtains, this doesn’t mean that you can’t house a succulent of your own! Go choose what planter to grow from this list of low-light succulent!
Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata/Sansevieria trifasciata)

If you’re a notorious indoor plant serial killer before, it’s time to turn over a new leaf with the help of snake plants! Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plants are considered one of the toughest low-light indoor plants, and one of the easiest succulents to maintain. They grow relatively smaller, about 4 inches in height– a perfect addition for small spaces like desk and tabletops! Snake plants got their names from the distinct markings on their long, pointy leaves that resembles that of, you guessed it right, snakes!
This indoor plant basically has zero maintenance as it does not require much water and can survive even in little amounts of sunlight.
Placement Suggestions: Balcony, Deck or patio, doorway, desk and tabletops (for smaller ones)
Echeveria (Echeveria spp.)
These succulents are famous for their rose-like appearance that comes in many shades of color—green, pink, purple, gray, and even blue! They are closely-related with Sempervivum—also known as Hens-and-Chicks due to how their leaves form rosettes. The main difference is that Echeveria forms rosettes with rounded-edges while Hens-and-Chicks tend to grow flat and pointed.
However, these indoor plants share the same needs when it comes to maintenance and care. It’s best to place them near windows where they can receive bright indirect light. Turn the pot occasionally so that sunlight is distributed evenly—this way, the growth of the leaves will be even. Be careful in watering them as too much moisture will cause their stems and leaves to rot. It’s best to just water them once a day and they will thank you for not drowning them!
Placement suggestions: Near windows, terrace, table tops (just make sure you put them out in the sun for a couple of hours)
Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

A Madagascar native, Panda plants are known for their soft, fuzzy leaves that are irresistible to the touch! (Just make sure you don’t pick on them too much or they’ll die, which is a sad thing). They grow relatively slower than other succulents but can reach a height of up to two feet tall.
Like other indoor succulents in this list, panda plants require less sun. Just watch out for their leaves as watering them directly will cause their beautiful leaves to rot.
Placement suggestions: Balcony, doorways, patio
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)
Aloe vera is one of the easiest plants to grow. It is also famous for being a medicinal plant as extracts from its fleshy leaves can be used to treat burns or you just can apply them to your hair. Aloe vera has long, serrated stems so be careful in handling them so you don’t cut yourself.
While they prefer direct sunlight, putting them out suddenly under the full sun might burn their leaves.
Placement suggestions: Near windows, kitchen counters
Zebra haworthia (Haworthia fasciata)
If your plant parenting skills is at beginner level, Zebra haworthia plant is the best choice for you! Commonly known as the zebra plant, these succulents grow to up to only 5 inches tall, which makes them perfect as neighbors to other indoor plants inside a terrarium. They look like mini aloe vera with green and white stripes.
It’s best if you put Zebra plants near windows for an indirect sunlight kiss. You don’t need to worry about forgetting to water them as they only need to drink once a month.
Placement suggestions: Near windows, table tops
Hanging Succulents
Want to go a little extra with your house ornaments? Try growing these low-maintenance hanging succulents!
String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)
True to its name, this indoor plant literally has heart-shaped leaves entwined in string-like stems that threads down beautifully into a vine. Also known as rosary vine, this succulent can grow up to three feet in length—you can literally hang up a waterfall of hearts!
Allow the soil to completely dry in between watering. This plant may reward you with cute brown or pink tiny flowers if given enough and proper amount of indirect light.
Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

Drape those shelves or ledges with the green, fleshy leaves of Burro’s Tail. Another succulent enthusiast classic, this planter can grow up to three feet long if watered sparingly paired with ample amount of sunlight.
Be careful! Burro’s Tail leaves are incredibly fragile so be a bit gentler when handling this rockstar. But the good thing is you can pick up those leaves that fell off and propagate them without breaking any sweat.
Flowering Succulents
Wax plant (Hoya spp.)
Also nicknamed as Hoya plant, wax plants boast their thick green foliage that stands out inside the room. But the most striking feature of Hoyas is their star-shaped, porcelain-textured flowers that fills the room with fragrance.
Low-maintenance vines, Hoyas have moderate watering needs. However, prepare a potting soil mix of pine bark, perlite and peat.
Christmas Cactus (S. x bukleyi)
Despite having cactus in its name, this low-light succulent doesn’t have any sharp thorns. Instead, Christmas cactus has flat, segmented stems with no leaves. They usually bloom around Christmas time, hence the name. Thanksgiving cactus is its counterpart, which produces flowers during Thanksgiving season.
Not all succulents require little water. These planters prefer more water but not to the point of overwatering it.
Indoor Succulents Care
Though generally considered low-maintenance, succulents still need your proper care and attention for them to grow beautifully inside your homes.
Do succulents need sunlight?
Genetically, they are still desert dwellers at heart, so they will always love the direct sun. They would need about 6 hours of sun exposure per day. It is best to place your succulents near a sunny window. Newborns may wither under the outdoor sunlight, so it is advisable to put them under sheer curtains, gradually introducing them to the sun as they grow.
Should I rotate my succulents?
Succulents will naturally lean towards the sun, so it is advisable to rotate them occasionally to prevent one side from outgrowing the other side. Leaning may also indicate that they need a spot where sunlight is distributed evenly.
How often should I water my succulent?
One important rule: only water your succulent when the soil is dry.
Also, water your succulent according to season. Give plenty amounts during summer season and tone watering down during the rainy months. Overwatering may cause your favorite succulents to drop leaves, and what’s worse, kill them.
How do I get rid of bugs and pests?
Pests in your indoor succulents isn’t usually a frequent encounter, but you might have to deal with them once in a while. Overwatering and improper drainage are the main causes of bugs. Dilute 70% isopropyl alcohol in water and spray them into your plants for an effective counter attack. Also, isolate infected plants to keep the pests from spreading.
How do I choose the right soil?
Although soil types varies for each kind of succulent, the common formula for a good planting soil is One-third garden soil, one third compost, one third pumice. It is important to do a research on what type and combination of soil your succulent really needs.
What’s the best pot for indoor succulents?
Terra cottas are the best for your indoor succulent for they allow the roots to breathe. Glass containers are commonly used for terrariums.
Plant succulents in pots or containers that has a drainage hole to help keep your soil dry. A well drained soil will make your succulent extremely happy!
Whether you have a green thumb or a first time plant parent, there’s a succulent that’s a perfect match for you! Plus, having plants in your home comes along with a ton of benefits! So, get your gardening tools and green thumb ready for these indoor succulent plants!